Taking night photo at the recent UK Fun Fair located at Boulevard Miri car park can be a big challenge if you don't have a fast camera. This was because all the games were either rotating or shaking at a rather fast speed. I hope you enjoy the following photos...

Nikon D3 24-70mm F/2.8G lens, 24mm, 1/80 sec fF4.5 EV:+0.3 ISO 2000 No flash.

Nikon D3 24-70mm F/2.8G lens, 28mm, 1/250 sec F2.8 EV:+1 ISO 25,000 No flash
This photo is perhaps the most difficult to take. I have to compromise noise for higher speed. Many shots were taken to determine the speed in order to freeze the action.

"Mum, please get me on" is as if what this boy had to say.
Nikon D3 24-70mm F/2.8G lens, 70mm, 1/60 sec F2.8 ISO 25,00 No flash

Nikon D3 24-70mm F/2.8G lens, 56mm, 1/200 sec F2.8 EV:+1 ISO 1400 No flash
This is another rather difficult shot due to poor light.
Tip: In order to take a clear photo of your child(ren), make sure that the camera focusing is set to single point and point the tracking point on the face of your child. Make sure that focusing is on "C - continuous) mode.